
We understand how important it is to follow a regular cleaning schedule to maintain the cleanliness and upkeep of your strata building. 

Common areas in strata buildings and office spaces must be cleaned and maintained regularly, including entrances, laundries, and areas that are frequented by tenants and landlords alike. Strata buildings and developments will be serviced by a dedicated team of professional service providers who are experienced in Strata cleaning and maintenance. 

Cleaning of strata buildings involves a thorough cleaning of all common areas including elevators, hallways, staircases, gyms, and lobbies. It is important to keep these areas clean and hygienic for the residents and visitors. Our cleaning process also includes rubbish removal and the thorough santisation of handrails, door handles, and light switches. 

Here at Chief National Cleaning, we understand how important it is to follow a regular cleaning schedule to maintain the cleanliness and upkeep of the building. The schedule should include daily cleaning of high-traffic areas such as lobbies and elevators, and weekly or bi-weekly cleaning of staircases and other common areas.

To discuss your Strata cleaning requirements please visit our contact page.  

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